Funny how bands with instruments are being called "nü-rave," while riff-driven beatmeisters like the French duo Justice slip the tag, even as what they do is as reminiscent of early-'90s rave as of anything, especially the aggressively distorted synths. The other obvious reference point for Gaspard Augé and Xavier de Rosnay is Daft Punk, whose playful mix of aggressively full drum sound, snarling static, and clean, fluid counter-tunes (check the buzz-gurgle mesh of "New Jack," or the absurdly overdriven compu-bass leaning against surging organ on "Waters Of Nazareth") makes † (the title is simply the image of a cross) into an engaging study in contrasts and a killer party record. At least for those who avoid "The Party," featuring Uffie's stupid "rapping."