From his new album's first moments, vocalist Al Johnson—who, along with guitarist Mark Shippy, was in the redneck noise combo Shorty—provides the only proof that there is any human presence amidst the alien noise on Sang Phat Editor. He chokes out absurdist lyrics in such a stylized manner that they are mostly muted, but still mysteriously magnetic. There is almost no adequate way to describe U.S. Maple, because there sure as hell are no other bands with any degree of success who are performing this kind of music. Envision a drummer, two guitarists, and a gibbering idiot manchild playing whacked-out free jazz, but with no single rhythm to hold it together. And, unlike free jazz, every stutter, stumble, stop and outburst is precisely mapped out. Throw in the essence of some of Pere Ubu's more bizarre moments, metallic cicada buzzings, slowed-down helicopter blades and cartoon twangs, and you might have an idea of what U.S. Maple does. Sang Phat Editor is mind-blowing, twisted anti-funk that will be lost on a lot of people. For those who appreciate it, however, it is absolute proof of the dawning of a new age in music.