fancy that, I'm a man
looking for a woman
despite special offers
I don't know exactly
how it should go, that I want
that she will stay forever
perhaps she won't fit the wallpaper
perhaps I'm not yet ready
I just want love
& for the sun to shine
I don't know how I should say it
perhaps I'm now putting my foot in it
shall we go to yours or mine
no matter what happens
let's just try it
if it's already warm today
tomorrow it'll be warmer still
& the day after tomorrow
perhaps you'll be forever with me
everytime I've sworn
the next time will be better
but until now I was always
the butterfly catcher
I've had the frame already on the wall
but it didn't fit there
& at the end I thought
I'd rather be alone again
die große Sonne sein
und diesmal hab ich wirkliche Liebe gemeint
love is so often only a barter transaction
for many only a play with happiness
& everyone has fear of losing heavily in it
who gives love wants so much back
& the day after tomorrow
perhaps I'll be forever with you