Zina, your name sounds like the song of the setting sun.
The echo of the wind sounds from the East.
Four letters in your hand are the mark of your path,
made of so many cities, you're at home everywhere.
A little girl born here from parents born elsewhere, my darling
May life mix shores and languages in front of you
Hey Zina
carry with you freedom in your arms, wherever you go.
Hey Zina
two voice live inside of you, you're never a prisonner,
never a stranger anywhere.
as a light in the dark, man was born from clay.
Shape your figure and let
the sea foam bear like a caress
the likeness of a brooch at your heart1
A migratory bird name,
from Blida to Paris, nothing should be forbidden.
Gather the light of kings.
You're drawing pictures in the sky.
Heirloom has no laws, no soil/land for your roots.
Yeah Zina
carry with you freedom in your arms, wherever you go.
Yeah Zina
My cute Zina
Leila or Marie, no matter the shelter, however the cost of your steps2
Hey Zina
take freedom with you wherever you go, it is your right
Hey Zina
two voices live inside you
Hey Zina
this name fits you so well
Hey Zina
take freedom with you wherever you go, it is your right
1. this is terribly convoluted French. The original sounds better than my translation, I just focused on the meaning2. that makes no sense in French either