Don’t tell me you’re sorry!
The globe is spinning and you can see
Cars are simmering with bronchitis on the streets
Everyone’s glowing being the smith of one's own luck
Raising machetes we step on new land
We explore the planet in seconds till the edge
Keeping up! Keeping pace! Keeping mind and body fit!
Always keep an eye on your balance and the gas price!
Beautiful cars, beautiful women, beautiful country
Colour a beautiful life for yourself, don’t exceed the borders
Tell me what’s left
What part of it are you and what are you tired of?
Tell me what’s left
What part of it are you and what are you tired of?
Don’t tell me you’re sorry!
Cause you’re playing for time
Until no more time is left
You can just lose, just lose
The laps on the sports ground, there’s a resolution for everything
There are shortcuts for everything, there’s vocabulary for everything
Just curse on the weather but don’t rant like a reed bunting
Don’t string the phrases together, always leave space for the antonym
Don’t bow too much over the desk when you talk
Be patient, shoulder your guilt
Your back already starts hunching slowly with the weight
But you can only bend as far until you break
Tell me what’s left
What part of it are you and what are you tired of?
Tell me what’s left
When only the hollow and light things swell to the surface?
Don’t tell me you’re sorry!
Stomach in, chest out, getting tired of it again!
You can only lose
You can only lose
So much air’s left to rise up and still you’re running out of oxygen
Where can you let out the anger and where can you leave the frustration?