There, were the roads lead to my home,
There, where my family is waiting for me,
There, where there are fields, mountains and lanes
That is where my land is left behind.
There,where there are fields, mountains and lanes
That is where my land begins.
There, the dreams never sleep,
My soul instantly awakes,
And the fields, mountains and lanes know,
my land has left a secret behind.
And the fields, mountains and lanes know,
my land has left a secret behind.
With her, only with her, the world is fine
With her, only with her, the ice melts.
Even their cold is not the same,
because with her, only with her am I alive,
With her! With her!
With her! With her!
There where through the swamps passed the war,
breaking for centuries peoples' fates,
washing the fields with people's blood,
my land has left a secret behind,
washing the fields with people's blood,
my land has left a secret behind.
She wants the freedom, but does not rise up
The back does not let her raise her eyes
Covered, like a sleepy child,
with secret memories, my land.
With her, only with her, the wold is fine
With her, only with her, the ice melts.
Even their cold is not the same,
because with her, only with her am I alive,
With her!
With her, even the cold is not the same,
and with her, only with her am I alive,
With Her! With Her!
With her! With her!
With her!