We used to make mistakes
Because nobody wants to be alone
The world is under our skin
Like a sunburn
How people make this place
So powerful but never show
Every smile on their face
Never let go
kol yom ha'chayim hem matana
me'aba bashamayim ve'gam ima adama
lo lefached pashut lilmod meta'uyot
ze chelek me'ha-derech
ve'zeh poteach et halev kmo elef megerot
lachzor el hat'mimot hahee vekol hamanginot
kmo shir echad aroch she'lo nigmar
yesh bee et hakoach rak lismoach
im ahavat chinam kazot she'rak ta'ir li et hayom
lashon hara lo medaber elai
mazal she'yesh po Elohim echad rak me'alai
ki yesh lanu et hakoach rak lismoach
lechabek et hachayim ki lo huvtach lanu od yom
nishmor al ha'olam she'hu bara
ani od lo yodea im ze shir o ashlaya
Elohim gadol
chipasti mashma'ut ve'rak alu bee she'elot
az shuv zimzamti manginot she'bee hidliku medurot
od lo me'uchar yesh od hizdamnut gam machar
ve'nasati ktsat rachok ve'gam avarti yabashot
aval giliti she'babayit mistatrot kol hat'shuvot
ze od lo nigmar yesh od hizdamnut gam machar
hashir ha'zeh matzil oti
kshe'ani kvar lo ani
ze margish li amiti
chelek me'ha'guf sheli
shir echad aroch she'lo nigmar
yesh bee et ha'koach rak lismoach
im ahavat chinam kazot she'rak ta'ir li et ha'yom
lashon hara lo medaber elai
mazal she'yesh po Elohim1 echad rak me'alai
ki yesh lanu et hakoach rak lismoach
lechabek et hachayim ki lo huvtach lanu od yom
nishmor al ha'olam she'hu bara
ani od lo yodea im ze shir o ashlaya
Elohim gadol
Elohim gadol
1. some of the singers sing: Elokim, this is also a common pronunciation.