For heavens sake journalist come to our village and write about our situation
Don't write about painted fingers in the city
Write about the calloused hands in our village
Write write journalist write
Write write sir write
Don't write about the money and men in the banks
Don't get infected by falling into that path
Don't write about the asphalt roads in the city
Write about how donkeys can't travel the roads in our village
Write write journalist write
Write write sir write
Don't write in the suffocating language of fame
Don't write about the roses in your garden
Don't write about the the young unjust hands of murders
Write about those dying in the east without doctors
Write write journalist write
Write write sir write
Don't write about the working hands in Germany
Don't be amazed by those who depart to Libya
Don't write about the collapsed households
Write about widowed slaves in Turkey
Write write journalist write
Write write sir write