I will not forget childhood
in our neighborhood
where we played every day
in the sand
we invented games
Bottle and Seven Stones
water battles
we ran wild every week
we were united together
the family and the uncles1
we had a childhood of space (freedom)
one television channel
and everyone drinking Gazoz2
always eating something good
i will not forget childhood
in our neighborhood
we would all go
and play in puddles
we waited for the holidays
building Sukkas3and adorning them with decorations
At Hanukah how father would
would light all the candles
everything was so innocent
without presents from our parents
we had a childhood of yesterday
i miss it so
oh what a generation
if only i could return
how everything was simple, longing
what a magical time of childhood
every day that passes
i think of you
I will not forget childhood
in our neighborhood we had much of everything
but also much simpler
a small but perfect selection
of games
and such tasty candies from the store
i remember on Friday4
the candles and the voices
remember how father
sang in the synagogue
made Kidush5
sitting all together
and singing Lecha Dodi6
the great Lecha Dodi
how everything was simple, longing
what a magical time of childhood
every day that passes
i think of you
I will not forget childhood
in our neighborhood
and it is good that i still have
a sea of memories...
1. the extended family2. soda made from syrup and soda water, also the name Gazoz was adopted by a popular band3. Sukkah - A temporary hut built for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot4. night - start of the Jewish Sabbath5. blessing recited over wine or grape juice to sanctify the Sabbath6. a song sung that welcomes the Sabbath Bride