I'm losing you in this bleak crowd,
I'm losing you by grains and by cells 1
With each moment that's flown by in the heavens,
Warmth gives way to spiderwebs and nets
I'm losing you and won't find you again,
I'm losing you gradually with each line
In a simple way like Cinderella just before midnight,
And in a complicated way like a piano tuner
I'm losing you, like a sound, like a taste,
I'm forgetting to write down, it's late - and forgotten!
I'm losing, Kazakh, I'm losing, Tungus,
I'm losing, alzheimer - I'm murdered, murdered!
My memory's gone and also are you,
Die, die and don't ask for handouts!
I'm losing people, I'm losing friends,
I'm losing heirs, losing my name!..
1. clr. biological cell