Now for the last time I'm in front of you
Looking at my eyes, tell me that you didn't love me
Even if your voice trembled, so what, I'll get used
Sooner or later everyone will find either breaking up or death
No importance for your names, I say its death, you say breaking up
Sometimes there's no need for sentences to explain (some stuff)
The best grew inside both of us, I deserve better
Please tell me something new
Leave don't hold my hand, let me go in my way
For the sake of your nice days..
Now for the last time I'm in front of you
Looking at my eyes, tell me that you didn't love me
Even your voice trembled, so what, I'll get used
Sooner or later everyone will find either breaking up or death..
Gözlerindeki bakış diyeceklerinin habercisi
Gerek yok uğraşmana bir bakış anlatır bazen herşeyi
İkimiz içinde en iyisi buymuş daha iyilerine layıkmışım
Lütfen bana yeni bişeyler söyle
The look in your eyes tells what you want to say
No need for struggling, sometimes a look explains everything
The best grew inside both of us, I deserve better
Please tell me something new..