My power has endured for eternity
Power like an army of stormy waves
The surging ignites dark wrath
And weighs heavy on the rising waters1
Roaring my laughter rings out
I rampage recklessly over the see
No stone can stop me moving
Because I'm the wind and move around
Because I'm the wind and move around
I'm the wind who has long carried
Firestorms through field and forest
The light of the sun, cherished to be sure
It will soon smolder into gray ash
What was once full of strength and full of power
Becomes easily gotten prey
The sky lights up, life dies,
And lightening flickers through the night
And lightening flickers through the night
I'm the wind who has long planted
The young seed in the womb of the earth
who dances quietly through the ears2
So that I become blossoming new life
I am the wind who has long weaved
Who scatters waves, light, and sparks
Who takes everything that lives with me
And I'm always renewing the world
And I'm always renewing the world
1. literally, "on the floodwaters2. Ears of corn or wheat