who comes who knows
who comes who knows
who comes who knows
Who will come to this small star?
Less than a dot No one knows my Name
Yes We can play alone but It's a little lonely
Who is there On that blue planet?
Send a signal if someone heard me
Please respond me right now
Different appearances Goodbye my stranger
I'm so shy I'm so glad to see you hand in hand
I'll invite you everyday uh uh leave your first footprints
and tell me your sweetheart
Hurry and look for it The airship I floated high
It was really pretty That light in the city
from Do you know me?
Being busy except for me I get a little depressed
Look up here Look at me at least once
I drew a picture If someone notices
Please respond right now
Different appearances Goodbye my stranger
I'm so shy I'm so glad to see you hand in hand
I'll invite you everyday uh uh leave your first footprints
and tell me your sweetheart
who comes who knows
who comes who comes who knows
who comes who comes who knows
who comes who comes who knows
To have you here to play with me It would be great
I don't care if takes a long time Please come find me here
Should I send a map I'll be always here
Different appearances Goodbye my stranger
I'm so shy I'm so glad to see you hand in hand
I'll invite you everyday uh uh leave your first footprints
and tell me your sweetheart
Let me hear Your Story all night