There's A land in the south
- where the ocean glows
There's A land in the south
- where no river flows
Its A land without rain and no disease
Its A land without grain and trees
There's A land in the south
- where summer is winter
There's A land in the south
- where winter is hell
Its A land full of grace and dignity
Its the last of an unconquered world
How long will the midnight sun
- still shine on virgin snow
How long since weve begun
- to make it another stage for our show
Let the whiteland dream in peace
Let that silence never cease
Let the whiteland dream in peace
- dream in peace
There's A land in the south
- with just A few years left
There's A land in the south
- fearful of impanding death
Its A land full of gold
- but no treasure land
It must not be sold out to anyone
How long will young penguins still breed
- and play on virgin ice
How long will we still need
- for the final throw of the dice
Let the whiteland...