No one,
No one hears you.
No one,
No one believes in you.
Time passes by...
You go your own way unhesitatingly
Always on the look-out for a helping hand
You try to turn your own ideas and
Thoughts into deeds,
To create works worthy of you.
When they observe your works,
People start to take notice of you.
You are offered the hand up
That you were looking for for so long.
Optimism takes over.
Hopes are awakened.
Time passes by...
Results are slow to come, successes
Are rare.
Many of the helping hands you had,
Let you drop.
Bleakness and disillusionment
Take over.
Wasted time?
Time passes by...
Lately, lots of people have been offering you a hand.
Hands that fit well in your hands.
Hands create.
Results are achieved,
Trust and optimism are awakened.
Successes are credited to your name.
Contentment and satisfaction
Are attained.
Time passes by...
The hands grow more mature
The trust and optimism
You go from victory to victory
The applause as reward for the hard struggle
Thanks are due to the faithful supporters...
Time passes by...
This is my cirriculum vitae
Just a small excerpt from my life
On the path to becoming, finally,
One who has found his place.
Many are searching for those helping
Hands, that become ever more familiar
And give support.
Whether musician, composer, or painter, every
One who follows their dream, lives through
Time in this way.
I thank all the faithful companions, who
Have again and again picked me back up
And through their loyalty, given me
The assurance that I was doing something right.
Sometimes the helping hand is an encouraging word,
A hearty
Embrace, or the applause that you
Give me.
For these I thank you from the bottom of my heart.