Tell me how it is
When you see
Your reflection in the mirror
Tell me why
You steal my pleasure
For your presence
Tell me how it is
When you are alone
With you at home
Tell me how it is
Tell me who you are
Tell me how it is
When you feel the darkness
Why you dig yourself
By day and night
Through your world of drugs
Tell me how it is
When the water reaches your forehead
Tell me how it is who you are
Are you happy does it go well
It is a shitty feeling
To forgive none of your mistakes
It is an shitty feeling
To be alone
Who, who are you
Who, who are you...
Tell me how it is
When this insanity
Becomes too much for you
Tell me why everything spins
Tell me why your head buzzes
Tell me how it is when the spirit
Flies out of your body
Tell me how it is
Tell me who you are
Tell me how it is
When you are at the end of your time
How it is
When you are still stoned
The next morning
Tell me how it is
When your system breaks down in the end
Tell me how it is
Tell me who you are
Tell me how it is
When you see
Your reflection in the mirror
Tell me why
You decide not
To live this life
Tell me why
You stubbornly
Wrench your eyes inward
Tell me if you might
Already hang on the staircases in the morning
It is necessary to find out
Who you are
For the world to recognize how you are
For the lies to see through you
To build yourself up
To feel good yourself
To dig yourself through
Who, who are you
Who, who are you