I have thought about it
I spent the nigh without sleep
How will it be after death
When the big end impends
If heaven exists
If then someone still loves me
Will you be with me?
Is there a life after the life?
Or has that been it?
For the biggest of all questions
Can't anybody give me answer to that?
Do you know where we are going when our light goes out
What will happen to us when the last night is dawning
Is there another world where time does not exist anymore
The one all are talking about, where we are all children
Do you know where we are going - where we are all children
Tell me, do you believe
That the soul can live
That something comes afterwards
That the good deeds will be rewarded
That one measures us on friends
That we'll forget this world
And pay for the evil (we did)
Even if nobody knows the answer
(Even if nobody) Can call the fear by its name
I strongly believe that I can hope
That love is endless
That you'll be with me again
That you hold me in your arms
And tell me about the other world