My child, my little friend
What was the reason that you cried
For days a tin soldier's missing
You just told me
My child, what does it matter
It was just a piece of tin
And still your heart hinges on it
I can see that
My little one, believe me
He will come back to you
I know,m nothinf will happen to him
You will see
He lies, he who's telling you
Because you're missing a soldier
He's not alive anymore
Because he had fallen in the war
Noone hurts innocence just one bit nowadays
And the war is long since a bad, old tale
Mankind finally began to come to it's senses
And to start no more wars
Because noone can ever win it
My child, I know well
Your tin soldier is much too clever
Which is why your little hero went
Into the field with his bride
My child, this field
Is sick of the name "Field of Honour"
Of the trenches and the barbed wire
It sees delightedly your soldier
Picking flowers