Is it real or is it just a dream? Is it a century or just a second?
Time has stopped.
Who am I? Whose image is there
In the icy mirror?
I remember snowy whirlwind,
And savage howl -
The sky closed over me…
Get up, hero,
Destiny doesn’t often give us a second chance.
Come fly with me
To the place, where honor and serenity wait for you.
No way! The fight is not over,
The enemy hasn’t been defeated, even though he is very strong.
I can’t forget
Deaths of my warriors, I can’t forgive…
But how can feelings of revenge
Be a driving force for a hero
In a new battle?
A choice exists -
To face the destiny on the battlefield
Or to rest underneath the ice.
The snowstorm is terrible,
It ‘s wreaking havoc on Xentharon!
Your duty is done in full –
It’s not your war anymore!
No way! The fight is not over,
The enemy hasn’t been defeated, even though he is very strong.
The world is big, however, it's too small for two -
One must fall.
But how can feelings of revenge
Be a driving force for a hero
In a new battle?
A choice exists -
To face the destiny on the battlefield
Or to rest underneath the ice.
But how can feelings of revenge
Be a driving force for a hero?
A choice exists -
To face the destiny on the battlefield
Or to rest underneath the ice.