He is such, he cannot be different.
Strong character, bold eyes.
He is like that, and I fell in love with him.
In the fifth grade it did not work
To tell him about my love
I could only write to him secretly.
Volodya, Volodya, do not trust the weather,
Do not believe the fogs and rain.
Volodya, Volodya, the rains will pass,
And again the sun will smile to us.
Volodya, Volodya...
He is like this, but not with me at the desk.
About him all the contour maps.
He is such, he was always a hero,
And now we are three times older.
In the new life he, like Gleb Zheglov,
And I’m a fifth-grader from dreams and words.
Volodya, Volodya, do not trust the weather,
Do not believe the fogs and rain.
Volodya, Volodya, the rains will pass,
And again the sun will smile to us.
Volodya, Volodya, do not trust the weather,
Do not believe the fogs and rain.
Volodya, Volodya, the rains will pass,
And again the sun will smile to us.
Volodya, Volodya...
Volodya, Volodya, do not trust the weather,
Do not believe the fogs and rain.
Volodya, Volodya, the rains will pass,
And again the sun will smile to us.
Volodya, Volodya, do not trust the weather,
Do not believe the fogs and rain.
Volodya, Volodya, the rains will pass,
And again the sun will smile to us.
Volodya, Volodya...