Here you come again, without an explanation
After months of absence
Shamelessly you come home
Provoking by your insolence
Here you come again
Nonchalantly smoking your blond cigarette
With that smile
You often have at the corners of your lips
When you don’t give a damn about others
You don’t ask how my life had been
[you don't ask] how were my days and my nights, far from you
You don’t ask me if my soul is bruised
If in other arms I could find oblivion
Simply you come again
Certain that you can
Play again on my weakness, poison my days
And run your hands all over my body
Provoke the tenderness by reawakening love in me
Here you come again, with your (sassy) hairlock
And without delicacy
You trample on my grief
You make yourself comfortable and settle down
Here you come again, beautiful as hell
You talk to me out loud
And I don't say anything
As if it was me who was at fault
You don't doubt anything, you are certain
Of retaking your place and your rights near me
Here suddenly you find again
Your old ways and gestures
You caress the dog, you turn on the TV,
You move things and come closer to me
Finally I am born again
And while chasing the past
I remain silent
Happy that you are here
Here you come again
Here you come again
And I ... I feel good