They got used to medicine, to the enemy's cudgel
To sky showers, they got used to them
But God wasn't as pure and perfect as it once seemed
He doesn't give us eternal peace
A daily, godly, devilish morning dawns
Over the tops of our heads full of emptiness
And the realization that the soul still trembles
Dawns for the baccalaureates of knowledge
In all the universe the universe is all
Behind the window, a spider weaves its web
And all crosses are half-felt
Even those that we ourselves carry
And our daily naphthalene and dusts
Mix together with our daily sausages
A daily, godly, devilish morning dawns
Over the tops of our heads full of emptiness
And the realization that the soul still trembles
Dawns for the baccalaureates of knowledge
In all the universe the universe is all
Behind the window, a spider weaves its web