Oh Vestland*, Vestland, when I see you like this
With beautiful mountains and fiords and narrow coves,
It rises up in all its beauty, great and wild
And meets me once again so tender and soft.
And happiness flows trough me quiet and grand
with glisten from mountainsides filled with birch and blue fiords
And in myself I feel the deeps of
the quiet forrest and the big ocean.
One sunlit night I row in my light boat
watching the mountains and the sky swimming on the calm fiord
and the deep and green valley
that gleams of leaves and flowers from the mountainsides and the meadows.
Look at the shadows that splitt the steep mountains
when the day moved towards night.
It sweaps around the peaks and in the narrow valleys
a weil of dreams in the cool summernight.
*Vestland (/Vestlandet) is the western part of Norway, and is divided into four countys.