Look at me and tell me what you see
Tell me whom you see
Not whom you want to see
I'll be to you whom you wanted to see,
What you dreamed you had
But that is not me
Yesterday, I was a body
But now, you value me
If you look at me, you'll see that
I just want to be somebody
That wins you without
Secrets or fear
I want everything
Everything to be true
Look at you and tell me whom you see
Tell me who you are
Not who they say to be
Not who they want to see
What comes from us will know better
It makes your way
Not mine
I want to be somebody
That win you without
Secrets or fear
I want everything
Everything to be true
I ain't just a body
I want to be someone
That wins you without
I just want to be someone
That win you without
Secrets or fear
I want everything
Everything to be true