It'll pass
Of course this will pass the same way it came
I'm getting tired of all this emptiness
After the storm
Comes the soft wind
It'll pass
Fasting from affection, from kisses, from hugs
If the pain doesn't pass
I won't take another step
I'm through with what I'm going through
I'll pass
My anxiety to see your image
To receive texts in the dreamy nights
To call you in the days of melancholy1
It'll pass
It'll pass
My huge desire for small love
While I was remedy
You were poison
All you did was walk over me2
It'll pass
The heartache that makes my soul sick
I've made so many mistakes that from now on
I don't have the right to make another mistake
1. "Banzo" is a word of Kimbundu origin, which refers to the feeling of severe depression suffered by African slaves in Brazil due to homesickness and oppression in general.2. The original expression, "fazer de gato e sapato", literally means "to make cat and shoe [of someone]".