Best get your house in order
It rings in my ear when the day is still bright
Best get your house in order
It rings in my ear when the day is still bright
When the light fades away and the darkness moves in
Then that voice rings in my ears
I will for my own sake steadily go up
Out of the world to go, Out of the world to go
Out of the world to go
It becomes my song until the day is at an end
out of the world to go
It becomes my song until the day is at an end
My flesh is like others from flowers and hay
The union tells me i must die someday
I can not escape it but i must go there
I mortal man, I mortal man
I mortal man
Forgive my sins but not my name
I mortal man
Forgive my sins but not my name
The rune i leave is dirty and worn
My farewell fades because the spirit is tired
If i could just change a word or two
Peace i would get, peace i would get