You find them where people
Travel and go to make phone calls
With an aftershave lotion that tastes of rain
And their briefcase
Lost in the 'Corriere della Sera' 1
in the coming and going of a waitress
Why does evening come every day?
Sometimes a man is alone
Because there are strange thoughts in his mind
Because he is afraid of sex
Or because he craves for success
Because he wants to write the novel he keeps inside
Because life has him over a barrel
Or because in a false world
He is a true man
O God of cities and of immensity
If it is true that you exist and tavelled more than we did
Let's see if one can learn this life
And change it a bit, perhaps, before it changes us
Let's see if it's possible that we love ourselves as we are
Not raping ourselves with obsessions and resentments
Because this life knocks down and who has been knocked
Sleeps or dies, or makes love
There are men who are alone for thirst for adventure
Because they studied to become priests
Or because they spent twenty years in jail
Because of mothers who never weaned them
Because of women who flipped them over, and lost them
Or just because they are different
O God of cities and of immensity
If it is true that you exist and tavelled more than we did
Let's see if one can learn these women
And change them a bit for their sake, change them a bit for ours
But, o God of cities and of immensity
Perhaps you exist and have no problems
But down here we are not in heaven and if a man
Loses the thread, he is only a lonely man
1. Il Corriere della Sera is an Italian newspaper.