And when a song (will) leave my lips
then only so that you (will) receive love
Through the night
and the closest network of branches (Geäst is like all the branches of a tree together, or something like this, so i think "network of branches" can be a good translation, not sure though)
so that you won't know any fears anymore
Say a small piece of truth
and see how the desert is alive
create a little bit of obviousness
and see how the veil goes up
a desert made of concrete and asphalt
but she's alive and opens a *****
that shows you (something) new(s)
shows the old weaks
as well when your pain reaches up to the sky
and when a song will leave my lips
than only so that you will receive love
through the night
and the closest network of branches
so that you won't know any fears anymore
this song is only for you
good when it pleases you
because it came so over me
like the night over the world
write danger out of the darkness
am I till the first bounce willing
I am the first one who liberates you
and one of the last ones who cries because of you
the last corn fells in the hourglass
I have won and I've lost as well
but i wouldn't like to miss anything
everything remains of our possesion in our thoughts
and your remaining reminder
between day and night
lays the daybreak down