It took me by surpise
When I was just a kid
I was watching my nights fall *
And I wasn't expecting anything of it
Me in Springfield Massashussetts
Life was flowing like water
One day I got sentenced (to prison) to life**
By turning the radio in
It was called Rock and Roll
Me, it turned me crazy
Me, I didn't get it at all
Except that it was my life
You don't understand anything but let it ring***
It went, 1,2,3 pretty mama
4,5,6 Tu me manques
7,8,9 Jamais assez
10,11,12 Je n'ai pas le blues
Un, Deux, Trois, allez bébé
Quatre, Cinq Six, un baiser
Sept, Huit, Neuf, Je pense à toi
Dix, Onze, Douze, Dis moi quand
Apparently some people damn (curse) themselves
For power, for gold
To each their way to sell out their soul
We pity them for what they ignore
Me, when I hear the intro of "Hey Joe"
Oh, I undestand him (it?) better than any word
And nothing puts me in the same state
Than Aretha's voice
It was called Rock and Roll
Me, it turned me crazy
Me, I didn't get it at all
Except that it was my life
You don't understand anything but let it ring**
It went, 1,2,3 pretty mama
4,5,6 Tu me manques
7,8,9 Jamais assez
10,11,12 Je n'ai pas le blues
Un, Deux, Trois, allez bébé
Quatre, Cinq Six, un baiser
Sept, Huit, Neuf, Je pense à toi
Dix, Onze, Douze, Dis moi quand
And it was more than a song (lit. "a music")
A language, a communion
A secular religion
Our way to say no
Long hair up to the jacket
Same idols and same temple
We were all going in the same direction
Nowhere, yes, but together
It went, 1,2,3 pretty mama
4,5,6 Tu me manques
7,8,9 Jamais assez
10,11,12 Je n'ai pas le blues
Un, Deux, Trois, allez bébé
Quatre, Cinq Six, un baiser
Sept, Huit, Neuf, Je pense à toi
Dix, Onze, Douze, Dis moi quand