That soil on their hands
is like flour, like bread,
is made of country events,
of small walls and fountains.
They have children to bring up,
hard work to do,
and the patience that time can teach.
They carry on themselves their pains,
in the silence of their veins
a flooded river flows.
The sun rises over there
an hour earlier than life
an hour before sowing.
And if someone knocks at their door,
in their house
there is a warm fire.
They are humane
merely humane
me, too
me, too…
Their skin is a little tanned
with wet spots and dust,
on which love sifts its sand.
When night comes and betrays -
and there are no words to say
how many things a soul can know -
if it happens that a Christian has fallen
they have such a faith
that rises him up again to march on.
They are humane, humane
merely humane, humane
me, too
me, too
me, too…