Perhaps this time, he will stay;
The boy that I love.
And I will give him my heart, and all of my strength,
Once he'll come through the door.
People pass me by,
People pass by at night, and leave in the morning.
People are too hard for me,
So today, today I am leaving.
Perhaps this time, he will stay;
The boy that I love.
And I will give him my heart, and all of my strength,
Once he'll come through the door.
People pass me by,
People stop for a moment, throw a glance, and then leave.
People are too hard for me,
So today, today I am leaving.
Night after night, I cry over you and I,
Of how once... and now we're not,
As an autumn dream shatters.
Of how I wanted... and you did not,
Of how she is... and I am not.
Oh, but how I wanted... and you did not,
Of how she is... and I am not.