The woman whose favorite color is purple
Her favorite word is 'rebel'
Her favorite game is hurting me
Her spite is a scar her childhood left
The woman who measures time with wounds
At odds with her past
She is a girl who turns to God at night
She is rebellious during the day
Like kites with their ropes coiled up
We could neither fly together without minding the world
Nor go away to our different roads
Scattered by the wind, unamenable
You and me
She stringed the hearts she broke on a rope
Still, she hurt herself the most.
She leaves bread crumbs behind
So that the birds would eat her footprints
Her favorite sound is voices of the children
But she has never wanted to be a mother herself
She has never taken root so she could walk away one day
Like kites with their ropes coiled up
We could neither fly together without minding the world
Nor go away to our different roads
Scattered by the wind, unamenable
You and me
Still finding each other somehow
Even though we were cheating on the ones we love
The woman to whom I made love through tears
Like kites with their ropes coiled up
We could neither fly together without minding the world
Nor go away to our different roads
Scattered by the wind, unamenable
You and me
The woman with whom I fell asleep many nights
Only to wake up alone each time