Wish a woman could come, that looks like me
Sexy and interesting
Might wear skirts
Though it's still freezing
Wish a woman could come, my size
Funny but not conceited
Would like to go to the bar
And would take me home by taxi
Aaha aaha aaha, wish a woman could come
Aaha aaha aaha, wish a woman could come
Wish a a woman could come, my age
Not too old but adult
Her1 thoughts would transmit
So that I wouldn't get bored
Aaha aaha aaha, wish a woman could come
Wish a woman could come, my taste
Clever but not strong-willed
Wouldn't want children yet
But could consider the thing
Wish a woman could come, that looks like me
Not a mirroring image, but that kind
Who would realise from expression
What I have on my mind
Aaha aaha aaha, wish a woman could come
Aaha aaha aaha, wish a woman could come
Might wear skirts
Though it's still freezing
Her1 thoughts would transmit
So that I wouldn't get bored
1. a. b. lit. "its", not her. "It" (se) is often used in informal Finnish instead of "s/he" (hän).