You do not have very good character.
In the end, what can be done about it?
I love you with all your faults.
You nonetheless have some big ones.
Over nothing at all, you go into rages
that irritate and exasperate me.
But you have temper tantrums also
that press me to excuse you.
I have always dreamed of an angel,
but you truly changed that.
And just when I'm ready to damn you,
you claim that I could do worse.
So I end up with nothing more—nothing at all to say.
You do not have very good character.
In the end, what can be done about it?
Now I am resigned to it—
you can calmly break everything.
I have to put up with your little quirks
or suffer the worst injustices.
Nevertheless, it's more powerful than me.
I'm bored when you're not here.
When at times you make too much of a racket,
I become the laughingstock of the neighborhood.
Instead of saying hello to me when I approach,
all of our neighbors sneer in silence.
Ha! Ha! That's funny when you think about it.
You do not have very good character.
In the end, what can be done about it?
Now I'm used to it and I can put up with you,
and, besides, when I feel distraught,
I remember what consoles me:
with this character,
small flowers do not resist you
In any case, when it comes to me, I stay because I love you.