Last night I drank, and I was happy,
Today I'm sick, why can't you see?
Why are you, cruel mother-nature,
So ruthless and so harsh to me?
I had a dream that I was sober,
In heavens angels sang inapt.
But I woke up in aching body,
And in my hair a star was trapped.
My mother told me to fly lower,
My wife declared that I'd go down...
But I live in the eye of cyclone,
I don't care if it's up or down.
And people're working for their money
And staring at the world with dread.
All in my squad are kamikaze,
Who've done it all - they are all dead.
[So] let's say "Banzai", forget the dry land,
All that has passed we shall discard.
Since here in the eye of cyclone
We've got snow lions and full calm.
Today once more I am so happy,
Tomorrow I'm again so sick,
Why are you, cruel mother-nature,
So ruthless and so harsh to me?
Come to your senses, mother-nature,
I'm still your native son. Save me!