Let's speak straightly, you can stand at door
Let's speak straightly, you can stand at door
All others leaved already away
Walked with their families to their homes
A lot time has passed, but no one asks you to sit
A lot time has passed, but no one asks you to sit
It's useless to let the blood run from the wound that bleeds already (note: in this they are talking about bloodletting, an ancient way to cure people)
Maybe then you understand what means silence
There is nothing anymore, no more to say/do here (note: It's difficult to say is it doing of saying)
The damned Toistalo has no [more to say/do], (s)he can disappear to the Hell like a devil
The same winter pushes the same auger
To the temples of everyone on these latitudes (note: in this the temple means the big artery on the side of one's head, not a building)
Everyone deals their credits and loans on their own
When they deal, they are asked to sit, too.
There is nothing anymore, no more to say/do here
The damned Toistalo has no [more to say/do], (s)he can disappear to the Hell like a devil
There is nothing anymore, no more to say/do here
The damned Toistalo has no [more to say/do], (s)he can disappear to the Hell like a devil