If a angel goes through there, I will shoot in his wings
He just had to help me to stay on track
I still wanna hate, I wanna find stupid people
even if I know that at my age, the stupid one is me
I just want a word, another little word
I just want a thought on life, on life, a virtue
I want to smell my lilacs even if they are faded
Take me outside, I need to breath
And you, angel, I prevent you, you'd better not go through there
over there it's for a long time you will regret it
I want go go outside, I want to see the decor
I want to smell my flowers, it seems they smell like the death
I don't want any explanations of these risky choices
Of these draws, this gamble from the gods
I felt so good and these little maligant ones, this little
malignant one, this litte poison
this little vermin stabed my body
What's that life, that fate, what's the death's problem!
What is that, it's not rentable, but fuck I am not guilty
But fuck I am not bad
Maybe just a bad lover
And you, angel, I prevent you, you'd better not go trough there
over there it's for a long time you will regret it
I want go go outside, I want to see the decor
I want to smell my flowers, it seems they smell like the death