I understand you people, since 'they' have never accepted you
i accept you people, since 'they' have never listened to you
I listen to you people, whose voices they have forgotten
no i can't forget you(plural) i have forever to sing for you
i hear you, i understand you
i accept you, no i won't forget you
You all that your lips are not glad
and the world in its wealthy table
a spoon for you i wont increase
they have seperated you, they have killed your hearts
a desperte call which no one hears
no one accepts
has finished without a start
a book that is unwritten that no one turns the page
is left in the wind where the dust covers it
and in life
everyone plays to win
although for you the game has finished without being started
the wolf is showing his teeth
dont throw a pill, the earth around you
i hear you, i believe you
a wealth upon poverty, no i dont accept it
those of you that your fate has punished you
and the world in its wealthy table
a spoon more i wont overdue [he is trying to say that he is lucky in the way that he has a meal everyday and he wont be greedy with his food an he wont always eat that extra spoon because he knows not everyone has this]
a desperate call that no one heard
no one accepted
without it being started has finished
the book that is unwritten no one has flipped its pages
is left in the wind where the dust will cover it