I have the funds to buy myself whiskey
Many funds to call my own
But if I should get too full of water
Who's the man that would carry me home?
And if I were drowned in the waters of the River Isla
How the deuce1 would I win home?2
If I were drunk in the waters of the River Isla
My little dog would find me in the Isla Stream.
Every day I cross that water
True, she's3 not connected4 with the sea
But if there's laughter at the ale-house
Dark and still she waits for me.
As the fisher's line that's broken
Leaves the salmon to the ocean swell
Many's the night you'll find me soaking
But you broke the line yourself.
All my days I've lived in this quarter5
Bold and lovely fine stuff I've seen
But if I should drown in your water
My little dog would find me in the Isla Stream
1. Euphemism for "how the devil" or "how in the devil's name"2. Find my way back home under difficult circumstances3. The river4. Sorry, just guessing here. In fact both Rivers Isla are tributaries of other rivers.5. Neighborhood