Distant, faint, hatred, unknown
We kill because we are told so
If we don't they surely will
Yet no grudge made anyone
Once it was all green, so green
Beneath the canopies of yellow
Where monsoon and vermin
Beat down those wandering low
The deserts and the mountains
They give no notice to a war
Its echoes roll through briefly
Calls and rounds zing no more
Each side like children chanting
A deadly game that vilifies men
Where the good mix with the bad
Dead or coming back again
Few live for the destruction
Those find fate there or soon
The rest want to go back home
A world once dear, forever gone
Shadows lie long in memory
Two worlds apart, two the same
Like a horror movie matinée
Ending, a shining sun lays claim
No one wants to be there
Reality is but a bad dream
A game of tactics and testiments
No winners it would seem
The contesters never present
Safe and snug in their domain
Would-be bystanders innocent
Sacrificed for their great claim
So ends the destructive maylay
Intense hatred wanes woe unfed
The relics of war waste and rust
Peace lies strewn amongst dead