Your parents are maybe
Professors of literature
Connected to France Inter*1
And who vote for the Greens
In this case, at your parents'
There will be Télérama*2
An album about Colette*3
And the heating at 17*4
But your parents may also
Love to go on a world trip
Go to the dangerous countries
And bring back a slideshow
For Christmas I may get
A book about the Louvre*5
Maybe your parents
Are a little bit annoying
I am ready to accept everything
Figaro, Madame or Libération*6
I am ready to compromise
Eat sheep brain
I am ready for everything to make it work
Pet their disgusting dog
Suffer through the whole Traviata*7
And even watch Thalassa*8
But why don't your parents
Go skiing in the Jura mountains
They have a blast at the age of 50
In the front seats of their SUV
If your parents took us
To play golf at Le Touqet*9
Maybe we woudn't
See your parents all that often
But your parents probably
Play Scrabble on saturdays
They just inscribed their names
At the choir of Riquewihr*10
Your parents order for coffee
A quarter of Perrier*11
Maybe your parents
Are retired
I am ready to accept everything
Figaro, Madame or Libération
Ready to betray my convictions
Eat oysters for New Year's
I am ready for everything to make it work
Talk bad about the neighbor from accross the street
Tolerate the Opel Vectras*12
And even watch Thalassa
And maybe your parents are good people
Who watch theme nights about Joe Dassin*13
And who then say: "Oh no, nevermind, we will do the dishes tomorrow morning"
With your mother always wanting us to take home the leftovers of the fricassee
When we go back through the Porte Champerret*14 on sunday evenings
And then your father who asks me:
"So, Vincent! When will you make a CD?"
I am ready for everything to make it work
Pet their disgusting dog
Open cans of Canigou*
Chloé has told me so much about you
Chloé has told me so much about you