Smile! It's good
To dream that you're making love!
You also have
Passion inside your body;
It's so lovely
To what how your body blossoms!
Five thousand...
Five thousand for making love!
Five thousand...
Five thousand to belong to everyone!
Grab my hand
So we can cross this river
Of wet lips, which make me
Feel the warmth of the fire
That you keep inside your body.
I want to feel, inside of you,
(That I am) the night's prisoner
As I close my eyes...
To fight over you!
Fake moans:
Theatre of love!
Dead eyes, live eyes
Are hiding your senses.
A gesture, a scream...
Pain that comes from deep within you!
Five thousand...
Five thousand for making love!
Five thousand...
Five thousand to belong to everyone!
I don't know whether Heaven
Is mocking your love;
Maybe, for the Gods,
There's nothing good in you,
Because you go
With whomever pays you best...
And, why should you be blamed for being as you are?
Misfortune is
What has brought you to this place,
Where hope doesn't have a name...
I shall build a bridge of love
So you can leave this place;
Holding tight onto the light,
Burning out for your sake...!