if it's all the rainy days
that have increased your level
the music doesn't have the same
effect it used to have
maybe it has life so much
on so little and so short time
that I don't know or that language I speak
or that candles position within
from this burial
I feel that I don't have forces
to jump and grab the sun
and through more that I tried
I don't listen to my own voice
I don't know if I've lived ten thousand days
or a day ten thousand times
and I plunge for you at my history
wanting to change the losses
through beliefs
I need you, I need you my love
wherever you are
I need your warmth
I need you, I need you my love
because you're part of me
I need you here
and it's that I don't know how to live without you
I've not been learning..
and I feel so lost
like a needle in a haystack
like shifting sands
I dip myself
enter my loneliness
I don't know if I've lived
ten thousand days
or a day ten thousand times
and I plunge for you at my history
wanting to change the
losses through beliefs
I need you, I need you my love
wherever you are
I need your warmth
I need you, I need you my love
because you're part of me
I need you here
and it's that I don't know how to live without you
I've not been learning..