I've got the feeling
The feeling's gone
I've got the feeling
I've got the feeling
I've got the feeling
Feeling's gone
It's been tough, watching as my buddies flip out
Women make a man go crazy, would it be better to skip them
They drive guys to destroy themselves with drink
Woman problems are the most common reason for downing a six-pack
Guys call in sick when their heads are all messed up
When we talk about candidates, these are borderline
Hey, we're cool cats, we shouldn't make stupid plans
Studs these days have way too many troubles
You don't need to drive to Nummela1 if you want drama
You can fit plenty of tragedy in daddy's BMW2 if you just cram it in
It's not just a saying that "in times of need you'll know your friends"
If you can't be there for your buddies, you can suck my dick
The restless princes3 wait for the one right one
Fun, kind, beautiful and mature, that's what they want
When their dreams are shattered4 it feels like the world is crashing around them
Nobody wants to give up their own when they're the one getting clobbered
That's bachelor life, love and barbed wire5
Nothing's black and white, so what do you choose
Though your claws feel sharp and your teeth have a good grip
You try hard to hold on, but the dame escapes
The guys go on a bender to escape from reality
At this point you gotta change direction
Boozing leads to depression and you lose your hope
You lose your vibe and you lose your hope
I've got the feeling
I've got the feeling
I've got the feeling
Feeling's gone... (x2)
I've had windfalls and celebration, but setbacks too
I've been able to chill and blow my money on clothes
Life has treated me well, I'm now doing what I enjoy
But though it may appear to you that everything's going my way
Not a day goes by that I don't think about an old friend
The ones who committed suicide are the hardest ones
I write rhymes, I guess it eases my mind
People listen to me, I guess that obligates me to do something
But I don't care about others, I unload in my verses
Though I hope you'll feel it, I don't talk about what I'm ashamed of
I can fill a whole record just going on about my friend
I just can't kill this bad feeling, once and for all
The Lord has a strange way of taking the good ones first
My buddy got to wait for a perfect 106
But this sort of thing, I see too much of it today
I argue too much with my friends, it makes lose sight of what matters
You can never know when your time has come
And when you've got nobody, you long for someone
I hope I can keep my friends until the end
And that others would still be standing when I'm checkmated
Feeling's gone
Feeling's gone
1. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/Nummela-lyrics.html2. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/Anssi-Kela-Mikan-faijan-Bmw-lyrics.html3. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/petri-munck-levoton-prinssi-lyrics.html4. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/Jore-Marjaranta-Haaveet-kaatuu-lyrics.html5. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/Uniklubi-Rakkautta-ja-Piikkilankaa-lyrics...6. I'm unsure of how to translate this line. I think his friend who committed suicide died waiting for the "perfect 10" woman, but I see other possible interpretations and can't tell which one is right.