Sometimes I just don't understand what's going on, and what I see I don't belive.
A baby was born, and it was black
And his mum named him Ciro (Cyrus)
Yes sir, she named him Ciro.
Yes, you can turn it, turn it however you want, can name him Ciccio (Francis) or 'Ntuno (Anthony), can name him Peppe or Ciro, but the fact is that the baby is black,
most definitely black.
Housewives are gossiping about such affairs, that ain't rare, they occur often, a thousand times
Sometimes just a look is enough, for a woman to remain struck by the blow.
Yes, just take a look, yeah, just a glimpse, yeah
Tough, you can't find who he was, he who aimed and shot precisely,
but he made him black, most definitely black.
A wise man said that we should discuss,
cause that way we bring reason in the topic we are discussing.
Where ever you sow wheat it grows, wheatear it goes good or bad, but wheat is always wheat.
Oh, tell it to your mum, come on,
Oh, but tel me also
Explain how it has gone,
Ciccio, 'Ntuno, Peppe or Ciro,
But the fact is that he is black, black, most definitely black.
Yes, you can turn it, turn it however you want, can name him Ciccio (Francis) or 'Ntuno (Anthony), can name him Peppe or Ciro, but the fact is that the baby is black,
most definitely black.