What if there's a forgotten road.
That no one has walked for years.
It might lead us to water.
To the rings on the water.
To an underground world.
Forgotten veines and arteries.
Hidden tunnels beneath the arcade.
Some of us has been there.
But we've forgotten how we got there.
We lack the codes and the keys,
that are needed to get back,
in, in, in.
In to the light.
Leave the lights on.
Don't turn the lights off.
Leave the lights on.
I'm doing an excavation of Atlantis.
My fingers deep in dirt.
I have China beneath my nail.
In 300 years or days,
maybe we'll find forgotten roads.
Maybe they'll lead to the forest.
Some of us have been there.
But we've forgotten how we got there.
We have thousands of pictures.
But no longer any memory,
of what it takes to make it back,
in, in, in.
In to the light.
Some of us might find our way some time.
But we don't understand what we see.
Some of us will find our way there,
then never ever again.
In, in in.
In to the light.
Leave the lights on.
Don't turn the lights off.
Leave the lights on.