Hush, hush, hush
Because the little child wants to sleep!
The little angels beautifully rejoice
And make music at the manger
Hush, hush, hush
Because the little child wants to sleep!
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
My dear little child, sleep!
Mary sings you to sleep
And offers you her loyal heart.
Sleep, sleep, sleep,
My dear little child, sleep!
Big, big, big,
The love is enormous.
God has left heaven’s throne
And must travel through the streets.
Big, big, big,
The love is enormous.
Up, up, up,
Children of Adam, up!
Fall to Jesus’s feet,
Because he atones for our sins!
Up, up, up,
Children of Adam, up!
We, we, we,
We all call to you:
Open the kingdom of heaven to us,
When one day we must die!
We, we, we,
We all call to you.
Quiet, quiet, quiet,
Because the little child is sleeping!
Saint Joseph extinguishes the light,
The angels guard the little house.
Quiet, quiet, quiet,
Because the little child is sleeping!
We, we, we,
We all call to you:
Open the kingdom of heaven to us,
When one day we must die!
We, we, we,
We all call to you.