[In the farthest corner of line 815's bus cowers a man with a hateful face. Nervously, his hand wanders under his for the spring morning way too thick jacket again and again. Then a good-humored passenger enters the scenery and walks up to the man.]
Good day, (day) is this seat free?
I'd find that smashing, that would be awesome
I was just jogging and I sweat extremely glaringly
so it would be really dope if I got a seat
What? Yeah, uhm, please sit down
I don't demand all of the seats for myself
Thank you so much! It's nothing. Also tense? Why?
Well, on a pleasant day, perfect for a straw hat
This will be the first sunny spring day
The flowers are blooming hard and it will be glowing hot
What a luck like a four-leaved clover- äh leaves
So don't look so miserable
No, I'm not into landscapes like Vincent Van Gough
Didn't come to my mind, I have other things on my mind
What happens around me, I ignore it completely
I have to concentrate now. Understandable, I know.
...if he only knew...
I am an assassin, belt full of dynamite
Ready to die, all life is transitory, sing the hook!
The kamikaze-killer-suicide-mission-terrorist on his big day
I blow myself up in the air!
But not only the belt full of dynamite
bomb the bus to pieces, man, all life is transitory, sing the hook!
The kamikaze-killer-suicide-mission-terrorist on his big day
I blow myself up in the air!
The bus driver shouldn't waste time
I want quickly to my wife and my both sons
The small one is four, and Rolf almost ten
I promised that today we go to the football field
Congratulations, children are the future, don't forget
a father who loves them is, well, irreplaceable
I know how it is without one, you are in a hard distress
since I was three, my dad's been... gone
Oh, my condolences, life isn't easy
Whenever I read, a pilot bombing aimlessly, I'm about to throw up
and terrorists push mischief with a massacre
these people are blinded by hatred. B... but, but
should they keep silent, dam up their rage like a mountain river
when the world mocks their god like a circus clown?
They have to punish them, and I don't certainly mean washing dishes
Would their god disturb that, wouldn't he just do that himself?
....uhm... No, and now watch out!
I am an assassin, belt full of dynamite
Ready to die, all life is transitory, sing the hook!
The kamikaze-killer-suicide-mission-terrorist on his big day
I blow myself up in the air!
But not only the belt full of dynamite
bomb the bus to pieces, man, all life is transitory, sing the hook!
The kamikaze-killer-suicide-mission-terrorist on his big day
I blow myself up in the air!
I'll do it! Really!
I can't do it!
[So the family man's zest for life defeated the anger of a deluded man. The terrorist leaves the bus at the next stop.]
I was...
I am an assassin, belt full of dynamite
Ready to die, all life is transitory, sing the hook!
The kamikaze-killer-suicide-mission-terrorist on his big day
I blow myself up in the air!
But not only the belt full of dynamite
bomb the bus to pieces, man, all life is transitory, sing the hook!
The kamikaze-killer-suicide-mission-terrorist on his big day
I blow myself up in the air!
[- Who is that, where does he come from? - Ooh, he has a cannon! Take the cannon away from him! - Yes, I'll come with you, it's good... - You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you, one indivisible nation, till death do us part.]