From border to border, by valley and mountain,
Where only the eagle sails proudly along,
Of Stalin the wise, the dearly beloved,
The hearts of the peoples are weaving a song.
More swift than the eagle this song goes a-winging
And sets the oppressor to trembling with fright.
No barb-wired border, no fortified outpost
Can halt the clear music's unfaltering flight.
No whip and no bullet can smash it to silence,
From trench and from barricade proudly it floats.
The wheels of the rickshaw, the lips of the coolie,
The plow of the peon, all ring out its notes.
And raising this song like a conquering banner,
The People's Frong marches in mighty array,
And raising this song, so inspiring and flaming,
Advances to sweep the oppressors away.
And we who have conquered, we sing it so proudly,
The Stalinist epoch we honor as one —
We sing of our new life so splendid and happy,
We sing of the joy of our victories won.
From border to border, o'er valley and mountain,
Where only the aeroplane's loud motor roars,
Of Stalin the wise, the dearly beloved,
The song of the peoples triumphantly soars.