Stand up, Stand up, Look back
Hear how the silver strings sound
See! A hulder(1), how you make her burn(2)
who of lust to you cries
Many, I know, creep about you(3)
Let me be your girl
No one likes you better
Do you have time to wait?
Most beautiful of the boys in the valley
Lay your firm hand in mine
I will hum, play, (4)
I will entertain all your time
I will for my Elling(5) make
Sour cream, butter and (6)
Åse will send you glad days
by the cupful(7)
We will live in Sonsteinshella(8)
So don't be scared
My halls are the hollow mountains
decked with silver and gold
Stand up, Stand up, Look back
Hear how the silver strings sound
See! A hulder, how you make her burn
who of lust to you cries
Many, I know, creep about you
Let me be your girl
No one likes you better
Do you have time to wait?
(1) Hulder. In Norwegian folklore, beings from the underworld. They look like beautiful women, but they have a cow's tail. In the folk tales they kidnap men and take them to the underworld, where they become their husbands. Or they kidnap children and replace them with hulderchildren, a changeling (in norwegian : bytting). So it is not a song about witches.
(2) With lust.
(3) I was unsure how to translate this. Literally it's "sneak on you", but the meaning is closer to "have their eyes on you".
(4) Stut(e) means bull. I believe this word with the added e - used as a verb, means
to blow a horn (instrument). I do not know the english word for this. Any suggestions?
(5) Just a guy's name.
(6) This is a guess. Lefsa - - Is a kind of traditional baked good. It is typically enjoyed with a measure of butter and sugar. If this is not what the song's talking about, it might be "make sour cream and churn butter". Or it might be "kjuke", curd of milk separated.
(7) Either that, or she will iron his cape. It's not entirely clear to me. This translation is probably completely wrong!
(8) A place name (quite sure it is a folklore/mythological place, but couldn't find the story behind it)